Vision & Mission of SNTCS.N.T.College Ramtek2023-11-09T06:40:11+00:00
Vision of the institution:
Transformation of human being through education.
Mission of the institution:
Commitment to important a liberal model sound and quality education to all the section of society.
*To provide access of learning opportunities to best possible number of student from the region irrespective of cast, creed, religion and economic status.
*To ensure all round development of the students through to various cultural and extracurricular activities.
*Moral value among students and provide quality education besides regular University syllabus.
*To inculcate a sense of civic responsibility social commitment and moral of opportunity among the students to make them not only employable student but also better citizens.
*To provide exposure to learners through latest trends in relevant branches at knowledge through organizing various academic programs workshop study tours seminar etc.